Head Lice

The York Catholic District School Board recognizes concerns related to pediculosis (head lice) at the school and community level. Pediculosis (head lice) are not a public hazard, as they do not cause illness, but they are a nuisance. To prevent pediculosis (head lice) from becoming a problem at our school we all need to work together. Please check your child’s head on a regular basis for lice or nits. If you do find lice or nits, you must contact the office so that we can notify other parents in your child’s class to keep a special watch for any signs of head lice. A student’s readmission to school is contingent upon the Parent/Guardian submitting a completed and signed “Pediculosis Treatment Form” communicating to the Principal that treatment for pediculosis (head lice) has been administered. More information on the identification, treatment and prevention of pediculosis (head lice) from the Canadian Pediatric Society and Toronto Public Health is available on the school’s website. A hard copy of the information posted on the school’s website will be provided by the Principal if requested by the Parent/Guardian.

To Summarize, it is the parent’s responsibility to,

  • To check their child’s head for signs of pediculosis (head lice) on a regular basis but, specifically when the school has notified Parents/Guardians of a case of pediculosis (head lice) or if their child may have come into contact with pediculosis (head lice).
  • To report any suspected cases of pediculosis (head lice) to the Principal.
  • To treat their child with pediculosis (head lice) in accordance with the parameters and procedures of this policy.
  • To submit the signed “Pediculosis Treatment Form”, upon their child’s return to school, to confirm that the treatment of pediculosis has been administered and to identify the type of treatment administered.
  • To review with their child pediculosis (head lice) avoidance measures such as no head-to-head contact with other children, and no sharing of combs, hairbrushes, caps, hats or hair ornaments.

Readmission to school is contingent upon treatment being administered and communicated to the Principal with the submission of a completed and signed “Pediculosis Treatment Form” (attached). Wet-combing with a fine-tooth comb is a technique that assists with the removal of nits and is recommended to be employed in conjunction with a treatment to kill the lice. Attached you will find more information on head lice and a copy of the form that must be signed and returned to school after treatment has been provided.