School Climate Survey for Parents
- Understand what we do well and what we need to improve
- Ensure that our schools are strong
Reading Rainbow live-streamed readings are back!
Thanks to the Reading Rainbow Team, all York Catholic elementary schools are once again invited to participate in a live-streamed book reading event in celebration of Black Heritage Month.
On February 24th, student leaders from St. Joan of Arc CHS in Maple, St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS in Richmond Hill and Father Michael ... Continue reading "Black Heritage Month – Reading Rainbow Live Stream Event"
On February 18, Nadine will present and celebrate St. Brigid’s contribution to “Our Fabric of Our Being”, at St Brigid CES. We are all, “Tightly woven into Canada’s fabric”. The Fabric of Our Being was created in celebration of The International Decade for People of African Descent~2015-2024~
Nominations Open! The YCDSB Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the return of its Distinguished Alumni Awards.
York Catholic schools are pleased to join schools across Canada in celebrating Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 2, 2022! Each year, Winter Walk Day takes place on the first Wednesday of February. Walking to and from school is fun every day, so we encourage you to journey outside throughout the entire month of February! If you are remote learning, you can always plan to ... Continue reading "Winter Walk Day is February 2nd"