Category: General


Thank you for your support and gift of time!

Chair                        Kaline Rozek

Co-Chair               Vito Marchese

Secretary                 Lee-Ann Knight

Treasurer                 Tonia Verruno

Parent Rep              Jessica Baillie

Parent Rep              Tania Thiyagartnam

Parent Rep              Michelle Hooper

Parent Rep             Vince Sequeira

Principal                 Anna Iafrate

CUPE Rep               Lynda Stamboulian ... Continue reading "ST. BRIGID CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL 2021-2022"

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year!

We are preparing to safely reopen our school with a focus on the health, safety, and well-being of all of our staff and students.  Please rest assured that our re-entry plan is consistent with the norms and directives set out by the York Region Public Health Department while respecting social norms.  We will have a three-tiered approach that includes physical distancing, hand, and respiratory hygiene, ... Continue reading "Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year!"