We welcome Nadine Williams Author & Poet on February 9, 2021~
Ms. Williams will present to our FDK to Grade 8. The theme is Nurturing Hope through allyship and resilience, “bouncing back like elastic”. She will be using African Canadian figures as examples in her storytelling, song and poetry for our older grades.
Family Literacy Day- January 27th
How are you celebrating Family Literacy Day on January 27th ?
Are you familiar with Family Literacy Day? Since 1999, schools, libraries, literacy groups and families have all celebrated this awareness initiative that aims to encourage reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
This year’s Family Literacy Day theme is ... Continue reading "Family Literacy Day- January 27th"
St Mark’s Parish Virtual Christmas Pageant-Sunday, December 13 @ 3:45pm
Advent Mass ~December 1, 2020 ~ 1:05 pm
November 23rd, 2020 CSC Postponed
The Catholic School Council meeting scheduled for Monday November 23rd will be postponed until further notice.
At this point, there has been no decision regarding fundraising or hot lunch in our schools.
We thank you for your continued support.