We welcome Nadine Williams Author & Poet on February 9, 2021~
Ms. Williams will present to our FDK to Grade 8. The theme is Nurturing Hope...
Family Literacy Day- January 27th
How are you celebrating Family Literacy Day on January 27th ? Are you familiar with Family...
St Mark’s Parish Virtual Christmas Pageant-Sunday, December 13 @ 3:45pm
St. Mark’s Parish is inviting you and your family to join us at our 15th...
Advent Mass ~December 1, 2020 ~ 1:05 pm
Christmas is just around the corner, and with it a renewed sense of awe and hope...
November 23rd, 2020 CSC Postponed
The Catholic School Council meeting scheduled for Monday November 23rd will be postponed until further...
Rowan’s Law Day~ Wear Rowan’s favourite colour PURPLE on Thursday, October 1st
Rowan’s Law Day (#RowansLawDay) During the week of September 28 to October 2, 2020, schools...